Reading Cures The Flu

There are no real scientific studies that say reading cures the flu, but I have the flu, and after spending several days at Children’s Hospital with my daughter who graciously gifted me the flu, I’ve spent some time reading. I’m not cured yet, but it’s not stopping me from trying.

One of my clients just released her new memoir and decided to give it some free download time on Amazon! Grab your copy now and don’t get the flu. Ok, the two aren’t related, but I know lying in bed with a book cures a lot of things – just not the flu.

IR Wright’s Dating Memoir

Ever looked at a clearly intelligent person and wondered how they were so stupid with love? Just bad decision after bad decision. Ever been that person? Setting and achieving every goal in your life except for how to choose the right person? 

I. R. Wright reflects on more than a decade of falling in lust with men while thinking it was love. She chronicles her struggles from the bad romances linked back to a rocky relationship with her father. Wright finally begins a love evolution after meeting ‘The Husband Whisperer’ and gets help with her bad boy addiction. This personal account documents real-life dating as exciting as reality television. 

Young, Dumb & Full of hmm… is the compelling story of a truly smart girl who went plumb dumb around the guys she dated. You’ll laugh, scream, cry and cringe reading her tales of drama and mistakes while also finding inspiration in her struggles through regret refusing to let any one bad decision be the end of her. The worst things can happen in a relationship when good judgment is swapped for sex. Find out how I.R. Wright found a silver lining in each terrible situation. Be inspired to find yours too.

Published by

Stella Samuel

Writer, Wife, Mother, Reader, Lover of summer. Saint Bernard Owner. If you want something, make it happen. And make it good!